We’ll make different choices when we’re growing up, some may lead us to a happy ending, some may not have that much impact to us, some may even bring us pain—the sorrow and darkness that we don’t want to face it. There’s a question that may appear when we quite down ourselves—what will my life be if I make a different choice at that time?
As my internship nearly goes to an end, I start to think back of the time that I spend in here, do I enjoy it? Do I feel happy for these times? Or did I just ‘Hea’ (It’s a Cantonese phase, means “wasting time”) at all? Thanks to my Lord, the answer are positive, and when I dig down for the reason, it’s just a small different—I dare to made a different choice.
When I was in Hong Kong, I didn’t have the gut to try something new or things that I like because of frighten—afraid of the side-effect if I make a different. After I came here, I started to think: “Why should I live as same as in my homeland? Why don’t I just choose how I WANT to live?” start from that plot, I decided to live in a different way, not based on someone’s suggestion nor some “unwritten-rule”, but the life that I want to live, and overall, it works out really good, or should I say, splendid.
What is relife? It doesn’t mean that you have to be reborn again, but to have the determination to live a new life and work on it. It doesn’t mean that you’re the righteous and the others are fool, but it means that you are a human—a human that have a free will, not a walking-flesh.