Our activities in Strand Kirke
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What I love here??
Sist oppdatert 07.02.2020
A church is a place where you can get the greatest love, a place where you can feel welcoming, a place where you can a friend, fun, a place where you can praise and talk to God.
Strand kirke is a church in about 150 years, and it has a service every day, and also other activities during the week. On those activities everybody is welcoming, and can participate, But to make them more motivated, they divided the activities by age.
- Fabelaktig fredag; it happens every second and forth Friday at the aktivitet huset. It is for the youth in about thirteen to sixteen years old. They are there to play games, football, carts, learn how to bake and chatting each other. Before all this thing start, there is a small testimony or preach or just reading a bible verse. I feel so happy when I join this activity, because there you can hear a lot of experiences, and I also can share what I have from my country. It so great to see them exiting to listen and asking questions about everything. Some of them are not Christian, some of them are. But they can be there, because the goal of this activities is to let them know about Jesus by having fun.
- Barnsang and babysong: As it calls, it is a song that we sing for the babies. The Barnsang is for the kids one to five years and baby song is for the babies less than a year. It is Avery Wednesday at the church, the objective is that the kids will be use to be at the church, and the it will be easy to invite them to other activities at church next time. Teaching the babies, the song and the melodies. We believe that s/he will never forget that until his die. We also teach the song to the parents and then they can sing it home, or in whatever time to calm the baby. The parents also, are there to talk to each other, sharing experiences as being a mom or dad. One mother said that she is never see her daughter happy before here.
- Barn choir: It is very different from babysong, because it at the bedehus. And for the kids more than four years. We teach them a worship song, where they will be able to sing very well. It is so amazing hearing the kids sing and worship our Lord; we can see that they live the text and the melody, they feel how good is our God. In the middle of the program, we tell them one history in the bible. They are very curious to listen and ask what was happen after and they need more and more history.
For all those activities that I join, brings a joy for me. I meet a lot of amazing person, they share their history and tell about their faith, and eat together, feel so lucky to them. So then I see that in different countries we are all one in God.