I share my talent
Before, I was thinking that having talent is just something for fun,something to get joy toward oneself,but having talent is something more than that.
Before i came to Norway, i was a good singer and guitar player in my neighborhood ( Madagascar),I was little popular,I can even say that i was star in my area, because of my voice.Peoples knew who is Yannick.
Talent is something more important that i have ever though before,Talent can build friendship,It could be create a deep influence toward people.
I was attending a gospel concert in Jørpland one month i came to Tau(Norway).There had been hundreds of youth christian,and four bands who leads the show and warmth the atmosphere,,It was fun.
While the shows was finished and most of the people went to their home ,parents of the youth came to picked them up,because it was in the evening, my teammate and i came toward the bands while they are arranging the stuff.
Afterward i took their guitar and i sang,the bands was amazed and started to decline their ears to listen and came.
After that we spent most of one hour to talk,to get to know at each other,and combine our voice to build one feeling.
Bref. we become friends up til now.
Sharing and using talent is amazing

talent is a tools for praise God.
when i was thinking about the King David from the old testament,this man is a man of talents,man of worship,man who served God to his talent. He inspired me a lot.
Myself, I used too my talent in the church at Tau to praise God, And i recognize that its useful to spread the gospel ,and to do his work.
I serve God during my stay at Tau.90% of my time and my schedule are spent at the church,I sing,I play guitar, Sometimes i play Drum during the service.I see that its so very important and i always thank God for providing me talents and gift.