

Follow the link below to register an notification to NMS: NMS Whistleblowing Channel


NMS does not tolerate any kind of corruption, harassment, sexual misconduct or other unethical behavior breaching our core values. We believe in transparency in our work, and that openness is important in the fight against these kind of violations.

If you suspect or observe unlawful or unethical practices related to NMS’ work we encourage you to notify us through the contact form below.

The notification will be treated confidentially, but the the accused person has a right to contradict any allegations.

Provided that the notification is reported in good faith, the whistleblower will be protected from retaliations.

If leaders/employees retaliates against the whistleblower, they will be exposed to disiplinary actions. The same is the case for persons who deliberately report false accusations.

Our routines for handling notification any unlawful or unethical practices can be read HERE (english version).

Follow the link below to register an notification to NMS: NMS Whistleblowing Channel

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