The Norwegian Mission Society (NMS)
NMS is a voluntary organisation, rooted in the Church of Norway. The organisation largely consists of voluntary involvement from people and congregations who pray, give and collect money for the work.
NMS will, together with organisations, churches, and individuals throughout the world, work actively to equip each other to share faith in Jesus, fight injustice and eradicate poverty. In addition to this, NMS strives to develop trustworthy leaders in its own organisation as well as in partner churches and organisations.
The Norwegian Mission Society (Norwegian: Det Norske Misjonsselskap, NMS) is the first and oldest mission organization in Norway.
It was started by a group of approximately 180 people in the town of Stavanger in Norway in August 1842. The goal was to spread the Christian religion to other peoples, mainly in Africa. Hans Paludan Smith Schreuder became the first missionary, leaving for Zululand (South Africa) in 1843.
NMS is currently working in the following countries or regions: Estonia, United Kingdom, France, Cameroon, Mali, Ethiopia, South Africa, Madagascar, Brazil, Pakistan, China, Thailand, and Japan. The society also works in the Middle East through satellite television.
The Organisation
The General Assembly is NMS’s supreme body. It is held every three years. During the negotiations at the GA, votes over strategy plan, new national board (NB) and national board chairman.
The National Board makes decisions on behalf of the GA between each GA.
NMS in Norway is divided into seven regions (NMS Region South, NMS Region East, NMS Region Stavanger, NMS Region Bjørgvin, NMS Region Møre, NMS Region Trøndelag and NMS Region North). Each region has its own regional board which consists of the leaders of the area committees in the regions. Both the regional board and the area committee consist of volunteers.
The General Secretary reports to the National Board. The current GS is Rev. Mr. Helge Gaard and the NB Chairperson is Mrs. Bjørg Tysdal Moe.